Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Days Seven and Eight

I've been remiss in mentioning my favorite instructor. She is a small, Asian lady who goes by "Mama." At first her broken English and quiet demeanor painted her as the dutiful assistant. After week one, however, it became clear she is senior to most and a wealth of knowledge to all. Today I discovered she has been teaching for more than twenty years.

"Mick it, mick it, mick it unteel no more flaw." Did you catch that!? It can be tough, but since she's usually demonstrating as she's talking, we're provided a visual translation (mix, mix, mix until the flour is incorporated). She once vigorously proclaimed, "I can not pronoun many tings, so if you canned understaad me, tell me!" That statement is a tiny testament to both her thoughtfulness and her determination for us to learn and learn it well. Everyone should have a Mama in the kitchen.

Yesterday, a discussion ensued about the French vs. the English (British). If you didn't know, there has been a bitter rivalry between these two countries for eons. Turns out the French have managed to incorporate their distaste for the English in their culinary vocabulary. We practiced the technique called A L'Anglaise, which literally translates to, "like the English." It requires finishing a partially cooked vegetable (immediately prior to serving) in a pot of simmering water. A L'Anglaise means no salt, no butter, no flavor, no fun. Although generally I'd rather have dinner in Paris than in London, if presented with a choice between Fish & Chips vs. Steak Frite, Crepes, Coq Au Vin or any other French delight, I'd pick Fish & Chips every time.

Today we began Safety and Sanitation class. It is long (two full days) and boring, but I'll be a certified safe food handler come Friday. Did you (my mom and my aunties) know that Botulism, a form of food poisioning, is caused by a neurotoxin known as Botox? For the record, I convey that fact only as a fun tid-bit, not as opposition propaganda.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Hey Whittney......Your dad promised me you would be posting more.....LOL